Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2015

So Vegetarian Not Always Healthy, It's reason

Vegetarian is one of the healthy lifestyle choices is becoming a trend. Health benefits too many perceived as healthier cholesterol levels than those who eat meat.

Even so, the vegetarian diet also has negative effects, one of which can affect fertility.

Vegetarian has been understood as the diet who do not eat meat. In fact, as explained obstetrician and gynecologist from RSCM Jakarta, Rima Irwinda, in the flesh contained the body needs micronutrients such as zinc and iron. If these nutrients are not fulfilled, the body will experience hormonal disorders to anemia.

"In vegetarian, because he just ate the vegetables, some nutrients such as iron will be absorbed more slowly than if he eat meat," said Rima in Jakarta, recently.

Every kind of food he thought also has the nutrient content of different, not to say one is the best. Examples of meat which are rich in iron and zinc, it can not be replaced only with eggs or fish.

"Hormones that one of them is also formed from fat or cholesterol. If these substances are not fulfilled, the hormonal system will be disrupted and may affect the menstrual cycle, irregular menstrual cycle can trigger fertility problems," he continued.

To meet the needs of poor nutrition, Rima give advice to take vitamin supplements.

"The best thing is actually the direct feeding of products of animal or vegetable. But if it does not want to eat animal products, can be a way to consume vitamin supplements," he said.

Rabu, 12 Agustus 2015

Watch out, this hemorrhoid Start Early Signs Attack

Making Money Online Guide - Hemorrhoid disease or hemorrhoids are very unwelcomed by anyone. But sometimes less fiber diet unwittingly trigger a person experiences. If it is severe, there is no other way except to treat it with surgery. You certainly do not want to experience it, is not it?

Recognize the symptoms or early signs of hemorrhoids or piles is a way to keep it from getting worse. What are the early signs of a hemorrhoid? Here among others as mentioned by Dr. Ari Fahrial of the Division of Gastroenterology Department of Medicine Faculty of medicine:

Hot Anus

Will feel the heat in the area around the anus, especially when you BAB sit too long. This is the effect of swelling and pressure in the veins in the region.


This usually happens when you are straining too often. As a result, the blood vessels are already dilated it will hurt and broken. It is not too much blood is generally out when the hemorrhoid is still early stage, but should be addressed immediately.


Sore and pain that is felt is the result of injuries in the ruptured blood vessel. Especially if you have constipation due to lack of fruit and vegetable consumption.


Itching that appears in the rectal area is the effect of the number of bacteria that are generally located in the anal region. Plus the wound of the blood vessels, then the itching will often experienced by people with hemorrhoids.

If you are already experiencing early signs of hemorrhoids as above, you should change the diet, and immediately went to the medical side.